Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (2024)

Similar triangles are triangles that have the same shape, but their sizes may vary. All equilateral triangles, squares of any side lengths are examples of similar objects. In other words, if two triangles are similar, then their corresponding angles are congruent and corresponding sides are in equal proportion. We denote the similarity of triangles here by ‘~’ symbol.

Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (1)

Table of contents:
  • Definition
    • Example
  • Properties
  • Formula
  • Theorems and proof
    • AAA
    • SAS
    • SSS
  • Problem
  • Video Lesson


Two triangles are similar if they have the same ratio of corresponding sides and equal pair of corresponding angles.

If two or more figures have the same shape, but their sizes are different, then such objects are called similar figures. Consider a hula hoop and wheel of a cycle, the shapes of both these objects are similar to each other as their shapes are the same.
Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (2)

In the figure given above, two circles C1 and C2 with radius R and r respectively are similar as they have the same shape, but necessarily not the same size. Thus, we can say that C1~ C2.

It is to be noted that, two circles always have the same shape, irrespective of their diameter. Thus, two circles are always similar.

Triangle is the three-sided polygon. The condition for the similarity of triangles is;

i) Corresponding angles of both the triangles are equal, and
ii) Corresponding sides of both the triangles are in proportion to each other.

Similar Triangle Example

Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (3)

In the given figure, two triangles ΔABC and ΔXYZ are similar only if,

i) ∠A = ∠X, ∠B = ∠Y and ∠C = ∠Z
ii) AB/XY= BC/YZ= AC/XZ(Similar triangles proportions)

Hence, if the above-mentioned conditions are satisfied, then we can say that ΔABC ~ ΔXYZ

It is interesting to know that if the corresponding angles of two triangles are equal, then such triangles are known as equiangular triangles. For two equiangular triangles we can state the Basic Proportionality Theorem (better known as Thales Theorem) as follows:

  • For two equiangular triangles, the ratio of any two corresponding sides is always the same.


  • Both have the same shape but sizes may be different
  • Each pair of corresponding angles are equal
  • The ratio of corresponding sides is the same


According to the definition, two triangles are similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and corresponding sides are proportional. Hence, we can find the dimensions of one triangle with the help of another triangle. If ABC and XYZ are two similar triangles, then by the help of below-given formulas, we can find the relevant angles and side lengths.

  • ∠A = ∠X, ∠B = ∠Y and ∠C = ∠Z

Once we have known all the dimensions and angles of triangles, it is easy to find the area of similar triangles.

Similar Triangles and Congruent Triangles

The comparison of similar triangles and congruent triangles is given below in the table.

Similar TrianglesCongruent Triangles
They are the same shape but different in sizeThey are the same in shape and size
Symbol is ‘~’Symbol is ‘≅’
Ratio of all the corresponding sides are sameRatio of corresponding sides are equal to a constant value

To Know how to Find the Area Of Similar Triangles, Watch The Below Video:

Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (4)

Similar triangles Theorems with Proofs

Let us learn here the theorems used to solve the problems based on similar triangles along with the proofs for each.

AA (or AAA) or Angle-Angle Similarity

If any two angles of a triangle are equal to any two angles of another triangle, then the two triangles are similar to each other.

From the figure given above, if ∠A = ∠Xand ∠C = ∠Zthen ΔABC ~ΔXYZ.

From the result obtained, we can easily say that,


and ∠B = ∠Y

SAS or Side-Angle-Side Similarity

If the two sides of a triangle are in the same proportion of the two sides of another triangle, and the angle inscribed by the two sides in both the triangle are equal, then two triangles are said to be similar.

Thus, if ∠A = ∠X and AB/XY= AC/XZthen ΔABC ~ΔXYZ.

From the congruency,


and ∠B =∠Yand ∠C = ∠Z

SSS or Side-Side-Side Similarity

If all the three sides of a triangle are in proportion to the three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are similar.

Thus, if AB/XY= BC/YZ= AC/XZthen ΔABC ~ΔXYZ.

From this result, we can infer that-

∠A = ∠X, ∠B = ∠Yand ∠C = ∠Z
Also, read:

  • Isosceles Triangle Equilateral
  • Area Of A Triangle
  • Congruence Of Triangles Class 9
  • Important Questions Class 10 Maths Chapter 6 Triangles

Problem and Solutions

Let us go through an example to understand it better.
Q.1: In theΔABC length of the sides are given as AP = 5 cm , PB = 10 cm and BC = 20 cm. Also PQ||BC. Find PQ.

Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (5)

Solution: In ΔABC and ΔAPQ, ∠PAQ is common and ∠APQ = ∠ABC (corresponding angles)

⇒ ΔABC ~ ΔAPQ (AA criterion for similar triangles)


⇒ 5/15 = PQ/20

⇒ PQ = 20/3cm

Q.2: Diagonals AC and BD of a trapezium ABCD with AB || DC intersect each other at the point O. Using a similarity criterion for two triangles, show that AO/OC = OB/OD.

Solution: ABCD is a trapezium and O is the intersection of diagonals AC and BD.

Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (6)


AB || CD, thus alternate interior angles will be equal,

∴∠CDO = ∠ABO



Also, for the two triangles ΔDOC and ΔBOA, vertically opposite angles will be equal;

∴∠DOC = ∠BOA

Hence, by AAA similarity criterion,


Thus, the corresponding sides are proportional.



Hence, proved.

Q.3: Check if the two triangles are similar.

Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (7)

Solution: In triangle PQR, by angle sum property;

∠P + ∠Q + ∠R = 180°

60° + 70° + ∠R = 180°

130° + ∠R = 180°

Subtract both sides by 130°.

∠ R= 50°

Again in triangle XYZ, by angle sum property;

∠X + ∠Y + ∠Z = 180°

∠60° + ∠Y + ∠50°= 180°

∠ 110° + ∠Y = 180 °

Subtract both sides by 110°

∠ Y = 70°

Since,∠Q = ∠ Y = 70° and ∠Z = ∠ R= 50°

Therefore, by Angle-Angle (AA) rule,


Similar Triangles Video Lesson

Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (8)

This video will help you visualize basic criteria for the similarity of triangles.
To learn more about similar triangles and properties of similar triangles, download BYJU’S- The Learning App.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What are similar triangles?

Two triangles are similar if they have the same ratio of corresponding sides and equal pair of corresponding angles.


What is the symbol for similar triangles?

If ABC and PQR are two similar triangles, then they are represented by:


Are similar triangles and congruent triangles same?

Similar triangles have the same shape but sizes may vary but congruent triangles have the same shape and size. Congruent triangles are represented by symbol ‘≅’.


What are three similarities theorems for triangles?

The three similarities theorem are:
Angle-angle (AA)
Side-angle-side (SAS)
Side-side-side (SSS)


How to find the proportion of similar triangles?

If two triangles are similar and have sides A,B,C and a,b,c, respectively, then the pair of corresponding sides are proportional, i.e.,
A : a = B : b = C : c.

Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity (2024)


Similar Triangles- Formula, Theorem & Proof of SSS, SAS AAA Similarity? ›

Two triangles are then considered similar if: All three pairs of angles are congruent (AA similarity) All three pairs of sides are proportional (SSS similarity) Two pairs of corresponding sides are proportional and the angle between them is congruent (SAS similarity)

How to determine whether the triangles are similar by aa, sss, and sas? ›

Two triangles are similar if they meet one of the following criteria.
  1. AA. : Two pairs of corresponding angles are equal.
  2. SSS. : Three pairs of corresponding sides are proportional.
  3. SAS. : Two pairs of corresponding sides are proportional and the corresponding angles between them are equal.

How do you prove that the triangles are similar by the SSS similarity theorem? ›

SSS or Side-Side-Side Similarity

If all the three sides of a triangle are in proportion to the three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are similar. Thus, if AB/XY = BC/YZ = AC/XZ then ΔABC ~ΔXYZ.

What are the 3 theorems that prove triangles are similar? ›

Lesson Summary

The triangle similarity theorems, which are Angle - Angle (AA), Side - Angle - Side (SAS) and Side - Side - Side (SSS), serve as shortcuts for identifying similar triangles.

What is the formula for the similar triangles theorem? ›

Angle-Angle (AA) or AAA Similarity Theorem

AA similarity rule is easily applied when we only know the measure of the angles and have no idea about the length of the sides of the triangle. And we can say that by the AA similarity criterion, △ABC and △EGF are similar or △ABC ∼ △EGF. ⇒AB/EG = BC/GF = AC/EF and ∠A = ∠E.

How to prove SAS similarity? ›

The SAS criterion for triangle similarity states that if two sides of one triangle are proportional to two sides of another triangle and their included angles are congruent, then the triangles are similar.

How do you prove triangle similarity by AA? ›

The Angle-Angle (AA) criterion for similarity of two triangles states that “If two angles of one triangle are respectively equal to two angles of another triangle, then the two triangles are similar”.

What is the proof of similar triangles? ›

AA (Angle-Angle): If triangles have two of the same angles, then the triangles are similar. SAS (Side-Angle-Side): If triangles have two pairs of proportional sides and equal included angles, then the triangles are similar.

How do you prove the SSS theorem? ›

SSS (Side-Side-Side)

If all the three sides of one triangle are equivalent to the corresponding three sides of the second triangle, then the two triangles are said to be congruent by SSS rule. In the above-given figure, AB= PQ, BC = QR and AC=PR, hence Δ ABC ≅ Δ PQR.

What is an example of the SSS similarity theorem? ›

What is an example of the SSS postulate or theorem? The SSS postulate applies to triangles that have the same measurements for corresponding sides. An example would be a triangle that has side lengths 3, 4, and 5 and a triangle that has side lengths 4, 3, and 5.

How to determine if triangles are similar? ›

We must remember that there are three ways to prove triangles are similar.
  1. At least two angles in one triangle are congruent to angles in another (AA)
  2. All three pairs of corresponding sides are proportional (SSS)
  3. Two pairs of corresponding sides are proportional and the angles between those sides are congruent (SAS)

What is the formula for similarity and congruence? ›

We'd say triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF. We're given the lengths of the sides, so we can see that AB/DE = BC/EF = AC/DF. In similar shapes, the corresponding angles are congruent. That means that angle A is congruent to angle D, angle B is congruent to angle E and angle C is congruent to angle F.

Does SSA prove similarity? ›

No. SSA alone cannot establish either congruency or similarity because, in some cases, there can be two triangles that have the same SSA conditions.

What is the SSS SAS AA similarity theorem? ›

Two triangles are then considered similar if: All three pairs of angles are congruent (AA similarity) All three pairs of sides are proportional (SSS similarity) Two pairs of corresponding sides are proportional and the angle between them is congruent (SAS similarity)

What is the SAS congruence theorem? ›

The SAS Congruence Rule

The Side-Angle-Side theorem of congruency states that, if two sides and the angle formed by these two sides are equal to two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then these triangles are said to be congruent.

How to prove congruent triangles? ›

The ASA Theorem (angle-side-angle) says that if two angles and the side between them of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the side between of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent. There is no need to check the value of the third angle or the other two sides.

How do you determine if two triangles are congruent by SSS or SAS? ›

The SAS postulate claims that triangles are congruent if two sides and one angle (between the sides) of one triangle are equal to two sides and one angle of another triangle. Finally, the SSS postulate claims that triangles are congruent if the three sides of one are equal to the three sides of another one.

What is the difference between SAS SSS and AA similarity theorem? ›

AA Similarity: All three pairs of angles are congruent. SSS similarity: All three pairs of sides are proportional. SAS similarity: Two pairs of corresponding sides are proportional, and the angle between them are congruent.

How to determine if the two triangles are congruent by ASA or AAS? ›

Since all the angles are congruent , then ASA where the congruent side is adjacent to the congruent angles can be used although the other tests are equivalent. In ASA the congruent side is located between the two congruent angles, whereas in AAS, the the congruent side is located next to only one congruent angle.

What is the SAS rule for similar triangles? ›

SAS congruence theorem states that, if two sides of one triangle are proportional to the corresponding sides of another triangle, and if the corresponding included angles are also equal, then the triangles are similar.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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