The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (2024)

Crop variety trials provide growers with valuable performance data to help inform variety choices for their farms (Pellack and Karlen, 2017; Williams and Roberts, 2002). Variety trials can also inform breeding efforts (Pellack and Karlen, 2017), which can accelerate progress toward food stability, climate change resilience, resource efficiency, and other complex agricultural challenges. The objective of variety trials is to evaluate varieties in specific environments where each environment encompasses a combination of the variability introduced by the location and season (Acquaah, 2009), which is often defined as site-years. Regional collaborations can offer results from multiple years and diverse locations, thereby greatly expanding the inference space and applicability of variety trial results (Rangarajan, 2002). The current approach to variety trials includes the use of check varieties, replicated experimental design, and common production practices, as well as data collection and statistical analysis (Williams and Roberts, 2002). Yield is typically the most important and common trait evaluated during variety trials, although food quality and consumer preference are also important evaluation criteria, especially for fruit and vegetable crops (Brown et al., 2020).

The majority of vegetable variety trials are conducted at a single location. As recent examples, O’Connell (2021) evaluated eight varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in field and high-tunnel systems at one location in Georgia. Afton et al. (2020) evaluated 45 varieties of lettuce at one location in Louisiana. Boyhan et al. (2020) compared 13 pepper (Capsicum annuum) varieties at one location in Georgia. Warren et al. (2015) studied 15 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) varieties at one location in New Hampshire. Single-location variety trials are common for a good reason: conducting variety trials is expensive and time-intensive, and it is not possible to evaluate all varieties of interest with a single trial or in all desired environments (Brown et al., 2020). However, the inference space of results from a single-location variety trial is realistically limited to that single farm or others very similar to it in terms of climate, soil, and management. Although university-sponsored trials are often considered impartial, reliable sources of variety and location-specific performance data (Maynard, 2002; Pellack and Karlen, 2017; Williams and Roberts, 2002), fewer trials are conducted today because of reduced public research funding, fewer extension personnel, and fewer public vegetable breeders (Williams and Roberts, 2002). In addition, Brown et al. (2020) noted that some researchers may be reluctant to share raw data for fear of misrepresentation or because of resource constraints (Brown et al., 2020). There is also a lack of standardization for variety trial reporting (Brown et al., 2020; Rangarajan, 2002; Williams and Roberts, 2002) that limits comparisons among studies. The reduced availability and standardization of trial data contribute to widespread limitations in the long-term integration of data, as identified by Rangarajan (2002).

Results of individual variety trials can be extrapolated by aggregating data and using statistical models to predict and explain variety performance in other environments using environmental and genotypic covariates (Brown et al., 2020). van Etten et al. (2019) evaluated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), durum wheat (Triticum durum), and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Nicaragua, Ethiopia, and India, respectively, using crowdsourced data. During this study, farmers categorically ranked varieties on their farm and researchers developed useful climatic models to extrapolate results and variety recommendations across locations (van Etten et al., 2019). Lyon et al. (2020) used an analysis of variance to assess the adaptability of squash (Cucurbita moschata), broccoli (Brassica oleracea), and carrot (Daucus carota) varieties across dozens of on-farm locations in several states within their breeding network for organic vegetables. The adaptability analysis was used to identify broadly adapted varieties (those that perform well in most environments) and specifically adapted varieties (those that perform well specifically in high-yielding or low-yielding environments). They found the adaptability analysis to be useful for quantitative variables, like yield, but less valuable for qualitative variables, like flavor (Lyon et al., 2020). Munaro et al. (2020) aggregated data from 748 regional wheat (Triticum) variety performance trials across 92 locations and 19 years and used variance partitioning to identify the relative influences of regional climate, management, and genetics on variety traits. Climate and management explained the majority of variation in yield, whereas genetics explained only 2% of the variation (Munaro et al., 2020). Laurent et al. (2015) used a meta-analysis and mixed-effect models to compare potential yields of different energy crop species using direct (within study) and indirect (among study) comparisons to develop a relative ranking of the most promising crops. A similar meta-analysis approach may be useful for comparing the yield and quality of vegetable varieties within and among studies and regions. Overall, there have been far fewer efforts, particularly for specialty crops compared with field crops, to aggregate variety trial data across studies, networks, regions, and countries. Moreover, specialty crop variety trial data that are publicly available are disaggregated across countless sources and not synthesized in a way that can aid grower decision-making.

To address this gap, we aimed to aggregate and synthesize vegetable variety trial data from around the world, explore descriptive and explanatory trends, and present a synthesis of trial results in a user-friendly online decision-support tool. Our specific objectives were to conduct a systematic literature review and extract yield and quality data from publicly available broccoli, cucumber (Cucumis sativus), and sweet pepper variety trials; to analyze these data and make indirect, relative comparisons between varieties from different studies, environments, and seasons; to identify potential explanatory relationships between local conditions and yield; and to visualize these data in a free online tool for growers, extension personnel, researchers, breeders, and other interested parties.

Supplemental File 1

Studies included in the meta-analysis and online decision-support tool.


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Supplemental Table 1.

Tabulation of meta-analysis results for 85 broccoli varieties including mean relative yield and quality potential, lower and upper relative yield and quality potential (determined by the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence intervals around the mean), and the number of site-years and studies contributing to each estimate. Varieties are arranged in order of greatest (top) to lowest (bottom) mean relative yield. These data are also presented visually in the graphical summaries section of the Vegetable Variety Navigator. An “N/A” in an individual cell indicates insufficient replication for inclusion in the meta-analysis (less than three site-years).

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (1)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (2)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (3)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (4)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (5)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (6)

Supplemental Table 2.

Tabulation of meta-analysis results for 104 cucumber varieties including mean relative yield and quality potential, lower and upper relative yield and quality potential (determined by the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence intervals around the mean), and the number of site-years and studies contributing to each estimate. Varieties are arranged in order of greatest (top) to lowest (bottom) mean relative yield. These data are also presented visually in the graphical summaries section of the Vegetable Variety Navigator. An “N/A” in an individual cell indicates insufficient replication for inclusion in the meta-analysis (less than three site-years).

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (7)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (8)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (9)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (10)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (11)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (12)

Supplemental Table 3.

Tabulation of meta-analysis results for 144 pepper varieties including mean relative yield and quality potential, lower and upper relative yield and quality potential (determined by the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence intervals around the mean), and the number of site-years and studies contributing to each estimate. Varieties are arranged in order of greatest (top) to lowest (bottom) mean relative yield. These data are also presented visually in the graphical summaries section of the Vegetable Variety Navigator. An “N/A” in an individual cell indicates insufficient replication for inclusion in the meta-analysis (less than three site-years).

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (13)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (14)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (15)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (16)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (17)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (18)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (19)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (20)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (21)

The Vegetable Variety Navigator Decision-support Tool: An Interactive Visualization of Variety Trial Meta-analysis Results (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.